About Us

As ambassadors of Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, through biblical instruction, we will continue to nurture, equip and educate our members of all ages. We will partner with local churches and community organizations to journey toward believing that God is in control. As witnesses of Jesus rooted in the Word, prayer and Bible studies, we strive to be the church “out there” helping people to see God’s work in daily social issues.
Our congregation is a welcoming and friendly congregation eager to see others join in our fellowship and mission. Our mission of the Church is to make disciples who proclaim God’s truth to the world so others come to faith in Christ. We strive to live out this vision by growing as disciples, going out into God’s world, leading others into union with Christ, so that the Kingdom of God grows in God’s world. In order to do these things, we must be taught, observe, ask questions, be equipped and sent out with the Good News.

Core values
We believe...
Jesus Christ is our only Lord and Savior
The Bible is the true Word of God, and the Rule of faith and life
God calls us to a holy life as defined by the Bible and including everything — money, time, work, sex, etc.